Spic·E: Structural Priors in 3D Diffusion Models using Cross-Entity Attention

Supplementary Material


Click below to view our interactive results, comparisons and ablations:


Comparisons - Semantic Shape Editing

Below we compare our results against ChangeIt3D over the semantic shape editing task. We show guidance-output shape pairs (guidance shapes are depicted on the left), all represented as point clouds, as ChangeIt3D operates over point clouds. Note that our guidance shapes are extracted from Shape-E's encoding, allowing for better emphasizing the effect of the edits (vs. showing the input shapes directly).




  ChangeIt3D Ours
The top is square

It has no strecher* between the feet
*A stretcher is a horizontal support element (typically located on a table, chair or other item of furniture).
Observe how our method allows for removing the stretchers from the bottom of the feet while preserving their structure, while ChangeIt3D instead connects the feet together.

  ChangeIt3D Ours
The backrest is solid and does not have an opening

It has a thiner seat

  ChangeIt3D Ours
The target is shorter

It's pole is thicker